Chapter 613. Regulations for Alternative Onsite Sewage Systems READ FULL CHAPTER
Part I. General READ PART I
- Section 10 - Definitions
- Section 20 - Purpose and authority
- Section 30 - Applicability and scope
- Section 40 - Relationship to other regulations
- Section 50 - Violations and enforcement
- Section 60 - Operation permits and land records
- Section 70 - General approval testing and evaluation
Part II. Performance Requirements READ PART II
- Section 80 - Performance requirements; general
- Section 90 - Performance requirements; ground water protection
- Section 100 - Performance requirements; laboratory sampling and monitoring
- Section 110 - Performance requirements; field measurements, sampling, and observations
Part III. Operation and Maintenance Requirements READ PART III
- Section 120 - Operator responsibilities
- Section 130 - Sludge and solids removal
- Section 140 - Owner responsibilities
- Section 150 - Operator requirements for AOSS with flows up to 40,000 GPD, minimum frequency of visits
- Section 160 - Operator requirements for flows greater than 40,000 GPD
- Section 170 - Operation and maintenance manual
- Section 180 - Mandatory visits; inspection requirements
- Section 190 - Reports
Part IV. Horizontal Setback Requirements READ PART IV
- Section 200 - Horizontal setback requirements
Part V. Waivers from Certain Performance Requirements READ PART V
- Section 210 - Waivers from certain performance requirements